Wiwan­ni Südwand

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A / Bart­gei­er 6c (6b mandatory)
Andre­as Fux, Rinal­do Bor­ra, Egon Fel­ler 2000
Beau­tiful, steep wall clim­bing, despi­te the gras­sy second pitch.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 12 quick-draws, 60 m rope

B / Gold­gei­er 6c (6c mandatory)
Cor­ne­lia Mei­er, Dami­an Trey­er 1999
Very nice clim­bing in gre­at rock. The impres­si­ve last pitch often cau­ses shaky legs. High­ly recom­men­ded route.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 12 quick-draws, 60 m rope

C / Her­me­lin 7a
Simon Caprez, Corin­ne Rossacher
Thril­ling sport clim­bing rou­te in the best rock and high­ly recom­men­ded. The­re is an alter­na­ti­ve ent­ry which is cal­led Wildwechsel.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 15 quick-draws, 60 m rope

D / Rin­gel­nat­ter 6b+ (6b mandatory)
Peter Schwit­ter, Ama­dee Schmidt, Dami­an Trey­er, Egon Fel­ler 1990. This rou­te was reno­va­ted in 2013 by Roland Ker­nen and Sigi Fischer.
Recom­men­ded impres­si­ve rou­te in the best rock.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 12 quick-draws, 50 m rope

E / Hau Ruck 6c
Dani­el Leig­ge­ner 1994
High­ly recom­men­ded sin­gle-length rou­te. Over­han­ging wall climbing.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 7 quick-draws, 50 m rope

F / Gey­fetsch 7a
Dani­el Leig­ge­ner 1994
High­ly recom­men­ded sin­gle-length rou­te. Over­han­ging wall climbing.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 7 quick-draws, 50 m rope

G / Gniff 8a
Hans-Chris­ti­an Leig­ge­ner 2003
Pro­ba­b­ly the most dif­fi­cult 25m in this regi­on. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, some­thing that’s very rare­ly been climbed.
Des­cent: rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 15 quick-draws, 50 m rope

J / Stein­ad­ler­rou­te 5b (5a mandatory)

Clim­bing sec­tor Grassband
This clim­bing sec­tor is acces­si­ble via the first three pit­ches of the Gold­gei­er rou­te or via a fixed rope, which leads to the left of the clim­bing wall up to the ent­rance. This approach is gras­sy and can be tricky.

H / Der Berg ruft 7c
Dani­el Leig­ge­ner, Eric Point­ner 1990
In ado­le­s­cent cocki­ness, Dani and Eric have ope­ned one of the most beau­tiful 7c rou­tes with an adven­tur­ous bold line through the over­han­ging wall of Wiwannihorn.
Des­cent: Rap­pel on the route
Equip­ment: 18 quick-draws, 70 m rope

Rou­ten Nr. 1 bis 6
Dani­el Leig­ge­ner, Bru­no Pfaf­fen 2013
The­se are very beau­tiful rou­tes in the best rock.
1 / Älus Lüter 7a
2 / Alp­se­gen 7a
3 / Gwei­lo 6c+
4 / Yenn Sze 6c
5 / Orig. Napalm Duo 7a
6 / Patro­na Bava­riae 6b

Topo from the clim­bing gui­de Wiwan­ni 2022

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