Unte­rer Klettergarten

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This sec­tor with delightful clim­bing rou­tes is the fas­test to dry after rain. We high­ly recom­mend this sec­tor becau­se it’s clo­se to the hut and only 10 minu­tes away. It’s full of various clim­bing oppor­tu­ni­ties and the rock qua­li­ty is asto­nis­hing. Child­ren can also stay safe by the wall. In ear­ly sum­mer it’s the most likely sec­tor to be snow-free. Cau­ti­on: In ear­ly sum­mer, when the nor­mal approach is blo­cked by a very steep snow­field, the nor­mal access trail should be bypas­sed on a trail about 50 meters above.
The rou­tes were set up by Hele­ne Leh­ner, Adri­an Trey­er, Ama­dee Schmid, Rinal­do Bor­ra, Albrecht Mar­cel and Egon Feller.

Topo from the clim­bing gui­de Wiwan­ni 2022

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