“Nasenlöcher” at the Bietsch Valley

“Nasen­lö­cher” at the Bietsch Valley

The “Nasen­lö­cher” at the Bietsch Val­ley is a place whe­re myth and rea­li­ty meet.
Accor­ding to the legend, the­re was once a time whe­re the­re wasn’t enough water for the mea­dows and fields abo­ve Aus­ser­berg. It came to a dis­pu­te bet­ween the mem­bers of the alp com­mu­ni­ty. A dead­ly con­flict took place bet­ween the two brot­hers, that were respon­si­ble to keep the water of the Alps Raaft and Leig­gern. After the mur­der of the brot­her, the spring went com­ple­te­ly dry. On the steep left side of the val­ley, howe­ver, from then on the water came out of a rock that loo­ked like nostrils. Once again, the alp com­mu­ni­ty tried to block the holes with woo­den bars to staunch the water back to its ori­gi­nal orbits. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, they unde­re­sti­ma­ted the power of the water and their woo­den block col­lap­sed short­ly after.
Alt­hough the saga was told over cen­tu­ries, the 80m long cave that leads to a lake with car­ved drains was redis­co­ver­ed in 1938. Then peo­p­le were won­de­ring if this legend still pro­vi­des tan­gi­ble pro­of. The naming “Nasule­cher” which means nostrils fit­ted won­derful­ly with the appearance of the cave and is even enri­ched by its exit tun­nel that is cal­led earhole!
At the begin­ning of the nine­ties, the moun­tain gui­des of Aus­ser­berg secu­red the approach to the nostrils with bolts and chains. Nevert­hel­ess, this approach, alt­hough clim­bing is tech­ni­cal­ly simp­le, is quite exposed.
Access: From the Wiwan­ni­hut you climb over the nar­row path on the slo­pes of the Augst­kum­men­horn to the forest line at Arbol. From here you con­ti­nue along the ridge on tracks to the “Tro­si­bo­du”. From “Tro­si­bo­du” (1764 m, coor­di­na­tes 630050 / 130900 ) you des­cend on trails through an impres­si­ve­ly unspoilt natu­ral forest in the direc­tion of Bietsch val­ley. The path beco­mes incre­asing­ly wil­der and more expo­sed. (ropes recommended)
After a 40 m long chain, you tra­ver­se dit­ches and slab walls. For safe­guar­ding, the­re are bolts now and then fol­low them and the blue trail marks. You’ll reach the holes by first bypas­sing them on the moun­ta­in­si­de (tracks). Then you’ll get to the ent­rance of the left nostril. Equip­ped with flash­lights you enter the initi­al­ly nar­row cave. Fur­ther within the cave, it gets more spa­cious. The thril­ling sound of flowing water may sca­re some. But as soon as you reach to the back, you get to an incre­di­bly beau­tiful a small lake, cal­led the brain of the cave. Here you will find the woo­den blocks and the car­ved drains. Through the other tun­nel cal­led the ear, you final­ly lea­ve the cave to the out­side world.
Des­cent into the Bietsch Valley:
First, you fol­low some track traces through the wild ter­rain 20 m par­al­lel to the stream about 150 meters, then keep right through the forest along trail traces over some steep slo­pes that are secu­red with chains. From the­re you des­cend to the bridge over the Bietsch stream (about 1 hour). Con­ti­nue on the path in the val­ley to the trail to Aus­ser­berg (1.5 hours). Over­all it’s a very nice day trip in an impres­si­ve landscape.
Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on: Get in touch with Wiwan­ni­hut or Alpi­ne School Biets­ch­horn Ausserberg
Equip­ment: Rope 30 m, flash­light and cara­bi­ners for tem­po­ra­ry safe­guar­ding are recommended
Natio­nal Map: 1: 25,000 Raron No 1288
Time: Wiwan­ni­hut to Tro­si­bo­den 1.5 hours; Tro­si­bo­den to “Nasen­lö­cher” 1 hour. Pas­sing through the cave takes about 1 hour. Des­cent to the Bietsch Val­ley and Aus­ser­berg takes about 2.5 hours. A total of 6 hours for the who­le tour.

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