Bould­e­ring area Eggen, Eggerberg

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For almost 20 years, the bould­e­ring area Eggen has made its name among the bould­e­ring com­mu­ni­ty. Bru­no Pfaf­fen soon reco­g­nis­ed that the­re are ple­nty of oppor­tu­ni­ties at the lar­ge gneiss blocks in the south-expo­sed pine forest abo­ve Eggen. In many hours of detail work, hand­les were clea­ned and ent­ran­ces were made free from the scrub. The area is also visi­ted in win­ter. During sum­mer it can be quite hot during the day.
The bould­e­ring area is situa­ted a pri­va­te pro­per­ty and clim­bing is tole­ra­ted. Just fol­low the usu­al rules of how to make no fire or dis­po­se of the trash. Which is most­ly no pro­blem for the clim­bers. In the small par­king lot, the vehic­le should be park­ed so that the bus can still operate.
Arri­val by public trans­port: Bus from Visp, stop at Hoh­wang abo­ve Eggen.
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on: Bru­no Pfaf­fen, clim­bing ins­truc­tor, +41 (0)79 384 04 24

Topo from the clim­bing gui­de Wiwan­ni 2022
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