In the route Verborgene Tänze, Wiwannihorn

Clim­bing around Wiwanni

The Wiwan­ni is sui­ta­ble for clim­bers who are making their first steps in alpi­ne ter­rain as well as for expe­ri­en­ced and strong clim­bers. The ran­ge of rou­tes is enorm­ous. Every con­nois­seur can choo­se from a wide ran­ge of rou­tes with mul­ti­ple pit­ches, which are per­fect­ly secu­red and can be award­ed the Plai­sir rating.
Howe­ver, both the ascents and the des­cents are embedded in alpi­ne ter­rain. Good foot­wear and expe­ri­ence in moving on bones and in small scree fields are essen­ti­al. The ascents and des­cents can lead over steep firn fields at the begin­ning of sum­mer, which requi­res the appro­pria­te equip­ment and safe­ty technology.

Clim­bing gui­de Wiwan­ni (2020 edi­ti­on), Egon Feller

Gui­ded clim­bing tours:

The Alpin­schu­le Biets­chorn Aus­ser­berg regu­lar­ly orga­ni­zes clim­bing tours and clim­bing weekends in the Wiwan­ni area.

In the route Wii vom Fass, Wiwannihorn
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